Tag: allabout Chat GPT


What’s next for AI

68 people 👁️ing this randomly In the US, the Federal Trade Commission is also closely watching how companies collect data and use AI algorithms. Earlier this year, the FTC forced weight loss company Weight Watchers to destroy data and algorithms because it had collected data on children illegally. In late December, Epic, which makes gamesRead More


AI is learning how to create itself

63 people 👁️ing this randomly And the past year has seen a raft of projects in which AI has been trained on automatically generated data. Face-recognition systems are being trained with AI-generated faces, for example. AIs are also learning how to train each other. In one recent example, two robot arms worked together, with oneRead More


The AI revolution is coming to robots: how will it change them?

58 people 👁️ing this randomly For a generation of scientists raised watching Star Wars, there’s a disappointing lack of C-3PO-like droids wandering around our cities and homes. Where are the humanoid robots fuelled with common sense that can help around the house and workplace? Rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI) might be set to fillRead More


How AI is changing … everything

56 people 👁️ing this randomly Artificial intelligence is suddenly everywhere — or at least, that’s what it seems like to us at Vox. Even in its current form and with its limitations, the tech is already shaping everything from text and image generation to how we live and work. Generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, StableRead More


What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

56 people 👁️ing this randomly Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to any technology exhibiting some facets of human intelligence, and it has been a prominent field in computer science for decades. AI tasks can include anything from picking out objects in a visual scene to knowing how to frame a sentence, or even predicting stock priceRead More



33 people 👁️ing this randomly 「ChatGPT」とはどんなものなのか–OpenAIの対話AIを知る – ZDNET Japan <![CDATA[ /** */ function getCookie(d) { var a = document.cookie.split(";"); for (var c = 0; c <![CDATA[ var cookie_name1 = 'CNET_ID_LOGINED'; var cookie_name2 = '_aicid'; var f1 = false; var f2 = false; if (window.navigator.cookieEnabled && document.cookie) { var cookies = document.cookie.split("; "); for (var iRead More


Attention Required! | Cloudflare

56 people 👁️ing this randomly Why have I been blocked? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Source



36 people 👁️ing this randomly レシピを考えさせるのはなかなか有効です。実際に作って食べてみていますが、普通においしかったです。詳しくはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 質問に工夫が必要ですが、創作物のパロディを作成することもできます。以下はお笑いコンビ「ミルクボーイ」さんのネタを元にChatGPTで作成した漫才の台本です。 ## Instruction ##Let’s think step by step. 1. 「AI」というキーワードに紐付く「心理学的なキーワード」を(AI, 機械学習)のような形式で10個挙げてください。Answer in English completely.2. 1で挙げた10個のキーワードの組み合わせひとつひとつに対して、「連想される映画」を挙げ、(AI, 機械学習, 『ドラえもん』)のような形式にしてください。Answer in English completely.3. 2. で作成した10個のキーワードと映画の組み合わせに対して、そのような組み合わせになった理由を書いてください。Answer in Japanese completely. ## Context ##私は「AIをテーマにしたおもしろい映画」を探しています。 AI ChatGPT GPT-4 1. Here are 10 psychological keywords related to AI: (AI, Cognitive Science) (AI, Consciousness) (AI, Emotion) (AI, Empathy)Read More


GPT-4 is bigger and better than ChatGPT—but OpenAI won’t say why

52 people 👁️ing this randomly “That’s something that, you know, we can’t really comment on at this time,” said OpenAI’s chief scientist, Ilya Sutskever, when I spoke to members of the GPT-4 team in a video call an hour after the announcement. “It’s pretty competitive out there.” GPT-4 is a multimodal large language model, whichRead More


OpenAI Wants AI to Help Humans Train AI

44 people 👁️ing this randomly One of the key ingredients that made ChatGPT a ripsnorting success was an army of human trainers who gave the artificial intelligence model behind the bot guidance on what constitutes good and bad outputs. OpenAI now says that adding even more AI into the mix—to help assist human trainers—could helpRead More

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