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Try Adsterra Earnings, it’s 100% Authentic to make money more and more.
Returns:rnAs long as your Tieks are in original condition, there is no time limit on an exchange or return, and we’ll even cover the shipping both ways in the U.S.! To start a return click here.rnrnrn
Exchanges:rnIf you’re the original purchaser, we’ll ship your new pair(s) along with a prepaid return label to send back whatever you decide not to keep. Plus, we don’t charge your credit card so long as we receive the pair(s) and accessories back. To start an exchange click here. Received your Tieks as a gift? No problem, start a gift exchange by clicking here.”},{“id”:”12″,”title”:”Assistance with sizing”,”content”:”
Wondering what size to purchase?rnIf you are purchasing a new style or are new to Tieks shoes, we recommend following the sizing recommendation located on each product page. We have a great exchange policy that allows you to try on Tieks side by side free of charge. To learn more about our exchange policy click here.rnrnrn
Aren’t sure your Tieks are the right size?rnIf you just received your Tieks and aren’t sure you picked the right size, we recommend taking advantage of our exchange policy that allows you to try on Tieks side-by-side free of charge. To learn more about our exchange policy click here.rnrn
For all other sizing questions, please chat with us by clicking the button below.”},{“id”:”15″,”title”:”Track a recent order”,”content”:”Please allow up to 10 days for standard delivery as some carriers are experiencing delays due to an overflow of packages. It is not uncommon for some tracking numbers to take several days to update and in most cases this does not affect deliverability. rnrnTo track your package please click on the tracking link next to your order in Your Account.rnrnFor all other tracking information click below to chat with us.”}]; function chatButton() { return ‘
‘ + chatButton(); } function faqView(faqId) { var faq = $.grep(faqs, function (obj) { return parseInt(obj.id) === parseInt(faqId); }); return ‘
‘ + faq[0].title + ‘
‘ + faq[0].content + ‘ ‘ + chatButton(); } zE(‘messenger’, ‘hide’); $(‘.dzl7d-livechat-widget’).attr(‘data-live-chat-visible’, true); var businessHours = {“isMessengerEnabled”:true,”businessHours”:{“from”:”9″,”to”:”18″}}; function isWithinBusinessHours() { var currentTime = moment(); var pstTime = currentTime.tz(‘America/Los_Angeles’); var isWeekday = (pstTime.day() >= 1 && pstTime.day() = parseInt(businessHours.businessHours.from) && pstTime.hour() li’, function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var faqId = $(event.currentTarget).data(‘id’); $.post(‘/intxyz_livechat/faq/recordclick’, {faq_id: faqId}); $(‘.dzl7d-livechat-widget-box’).html(faqView(faqId)); }); }); });