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You can use this account to continue shopping.”,”btnText”:”Continue shopping”},”MOBILE_BIND”:{“desc”:”This is really your account! For your account security and next sign-in, you can add a new mobile phone number to your account.”,”btnText”:”Add a new mobile phone number”},”MOBILE_CHANGE_BIND”:{“desc”:”We’ve confirmed this is your account! Your mobile phone number, {{val}}, might not be receiving our Temu verification code. You can edit the mobile phone number on your Temu account if needed.”,”btnText”:”Edit your mobile phone number”},”MAIL_BIND”:{“desc”:”This is really your account! For your account security and next sign-in, you can add a new email address to your account.”,”btnText”:”Add a new email address”},”MAIL_CHANGE_BIND”:{“desc”:”We’ve confirmed this is your account! Your email, {{val}}, might not be receiving our Temu emails. You can edit the email on your Temu account.”,”btnText”:”Edit your email address”},”notNow”:”Not now, continue shopping”},”verifyCode”:{“mobile”:{“title”:”Enter the verification code”,”desc”:”To continue, complete this verification step. We’ve sent a verification code to the phone number {{val}}. Please enter it below.”,”systemBusy”:”System busy, please try again later.”,”tipsVo”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the code?”,”desc1″:”1. Make sure your phone number is correct.”,”desc2″:””,”desc3_1″:”2. If you still don’t see the code, “,”desc3_2″:” try another way to verify your identity”}},”email”:{“title”:”Enter the verification code”,”desc”:”To continue, complete this verification step. We’ve sent a verification code to the email {{val}}. Please enter it below.”,”systemBusy”:”System busy, please try again later.”,”tipsVo”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the email?”,”desc1″:”1. Make sure your email address is correct.”,”desc2″:”2. Please check your spam folder.”,”desc3_1″:”3. 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You have several ways to verify your identity.”,”noVerifyItemDesc”:”You don’t have any way to verify your identity, please contact customer service.”,”verifyItem”:{“MAIL_VERIFY_CODE”:{“title”:”Use email verification code to verify identity”,”desc”:”We will send a verification code to the email {{val}}.”},”MOBILE”:{“title”:”Use SMS verification code to verify identity”,”desc”:”We will send an SMS verification code to {{val}}”},”MAIL_PASSWORD”:{“title”:”Use password to verify identity”,”desc”:”Please enter your password to verify your identity”},”GOOGLE”:{“title”:”Use Google account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”FACEBOOK”:{“title”:”Use Facebook account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”TWITTER”:{“title”:”Use Twitter account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”APPLE”:{“title”:”Use Apple account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”LINE”:{“title”:”Use Line account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”CHALLENGE_QUESTION”:{“title”:”Answer security questions”,”desc”:”Please answer some security questions to verify your identity.”,”disableTip”:”You have tried many times, please try again later.”},”MOBILE_CHALLENGE_QUESTIONS”:{“title”:”Answer security questions”,”desc”:”Please answer some security questions to verify your identity.”,”disableTip”:”You have tried many times, please try again later.”}}},”switchAccountPanel”:{“title”:”You are not signed in to the following account, please sign in again.”,”apple”:”Apple”,”twitter”:”Twitter”,”facebook”:”Facebook”,”google”:”Google”,”line”:”Line”,”thirdButtonContinueWith”:”Continue with”,”cancel”:”Cancel”},”error”:”System busy, please try again later”,”verifyByPassword”:{“title”:”Enter your password”,”mailDesc”:”Please enter your Temu password for {{val}} to edit email address.”,”inputLabel”:”Password”,”submitBtn”:”Submit”},”successPanel”:{“title”:”Your email has been changed”,”submitBtn”:”Continue shopping”},”emailInputPanel”:{“title”:”Enter a new email address”,”desc”:”Enter the new email address you would like to associate with your account below.”,”inputLabel”:”Email address”,”submitBtn”:”Continue”,”empty”:”Please enter an email address.”,”unvalid”:”Please enter a valid email address.”}},”bec-fe.popup-sms-modal-pc”:{“successTipsCa”:”ReplyโYโ to confirm your subscription”,”subscribe”:”Subscribe to texts to get”,”declareCa”:” *You agree to receive autodialed marketing messages and shopping cart reminders on this number. Consent not required to purchase goods. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP or ARRET to opt out. Text HELP, AIDE, or INFO for help. Privacy policy and Terms of Use.”,”benifitTime”:”Time-limited deals”,”benifitCoupon”:”Exclusive coupons”,”defaultTips”:”You enter an invalid phone number”,”benefitCar”:”Order Status”,”successTips”:”Thank you for subscribing๏ผ”,”benefitPaper”:”Order confirmation”,”benefitGift”:”Texts-only events”,”submit”:”Submit”,”title”:”Subscribe to texts to get”,”declare”:” *You agree to receive autodialed marketing messages on this number. Consent not required to purchase goods. Privacy and Cookie Policy.”,”errMsgMap”:{“1200006″:”This phone number has already authorized.”},”inputPlaceholder”:”Enter your phone number”,”privacyPolicy”:”Privacy and Cookie Policy”},”bec-fe.web-address”:{“change_pickup_location_entrance”:”Change location”,”add_dhl_postnumber_save_explain”:”This DHL PostNumber will be used for your future orders. It can be updated at any time.”,”add_dhl_postnumber_error_prompt”:”Please enter a DHL PostNumber”,”dhl_postnumber_display”:”DHL PostNumber”,”add_dhl_postnumber_explain”:”To collect your parcel from a DHL Packstation, you need to enter a valid DHL PostNumber. If you don’t have a DHL PostNumber yet, or haven’t activated it for Packstation usage, please visit www.dhl.de to complete the activation process.”,”add_dhl_postnumber_popup_title”:”Add DHL PostNumber”,”enterFullName”:”Please enter a full name.”,”changePickupLocation”:”Change pickup location”,”addPickupLocation”:”Add a pickup location”,”search_no_pickup_location_guide1″:”Please enter another postcode and try again.”,”search_no_pickup_location_reminder1″:”No available pickup locations”,”confirmInfomation”:”Confirm information”,”securityText”:”All data will be encrypted”,”Pickup_location”:”Pickup location”,”pick_location_opening_hours1″:”Opening hours”,”Pickup_user_info_input_reminder”:”Please full in the recipient information. Please ensure the full name matches your proof of identification. You may need to bring it to the pickup location.”,”Pickup_change_address_topic”:”Change pickup address”,”Pickup_location_search_shading_words”:”Please enter a postcode to find”,”Pickup_useful_location_reminder”:”We found the following pickup locations that are close to the postcode provided.”,”Pickup_add_address_topic”:”Add a pickup address”,”Pickup_user_email”:”Email”,”Pickup_user_mobile_number”:”Phone number”,”Pickup_user_name_reminder”:”(First and Last name)”,”Pickup_user_fullname”:”Full Name”,”TemuCaddresscommonlocation”:”Common location”,”TemuCaddresscountrysearch”:”Search country & region”,”searchV2″:{“state”:”Search state”,”city”:”Search city”,”district”:”Search district”},”selectV2″:{“state”:”Select state”,”city”:”Select city”,”district”:”Select district”},”enterAddressMannually”:”Can’t find the address? Please enter it manually.”,”saveAndUse”:”Save and use”,”keepLastAddress”:”Please keep at least one address saved for delivery”,”region”:{“tips”:”Youโve selected {{ to }}, are you sure you want to switch to {{ to }}?”,”tipsV2″:”Do you want to shop in {{ to }}?”,”desc”:”Item availability, prices, shipping fees, and taxes may change(including items in your cart).”,”cancel”:”Cancel”,”switch”:”Switch to {{ to }}”},”step”:{“state”:”state”,”city”:”city”,”district”:”district”},”search”:”Search”,”select”:”Select”,”DEAddressLine1″:{“labelName”:”Street name and House number”,”validateText”:”Please enter a Street name and House number.”,”noStreetNumber”:”We recommend entering the house/building number to assist with delivery.”,”tooFewLetters”:”Please enter your address with no less than 5 characters.”,”noLetters”:”We recommend entering the street name to assist with delivery.”,”tooManyLetters”:”The address is too long”},”DEPostCode”:{“labelName”:”PLZ”,”validateText”:”Please enter a valid PLZ.”},”DEProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Province”,”validateText”:”Please select a State / Province.”,”placeholder”:”Select a State / Province”},”accessCode”:{“labelName”:”Add delivery instructions”,”subLabelName”:”Do we need a security code or a call box number to access this building?”,”placeholder”:”1234″},”postCodeInAU”:{“labelName”:”Postcode”,”validateText”:”Please enter a valid postcode.”},”NZCountryRegion”:{“labelName”:”Suburb / City”,”validateText”:”Please select a Suburb / City.”,”placeholder”:”Select a Suburb / City”},”NZProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Province”,”validateText”:”Please select a State / Province.”,”placeholder”:”Select a State / Province”},”AUProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Territory”,”validateText”:”Please select a State / Territory.”,”placeholder”:”Select a State / Territory”},”AUCountryRegion”:{“labelName”:”City / Suburb”,”validateText”:”Please enter a city / suburb.”},”fullName”:{“labelName”:”Full name”,”validateText”:”Please enter a full name.”,”warningText”:”We recommend entering letters to assist with delivery๏ผplease remove๏ผ”},”FullbackAddressLine2″:{“labelName”:”Apt / Suite / other”,”placeholder”:”Apt / Suite / other”},”FullbackAddressLine1″:{“labelName”:”Street address”,”validateText”:”Please enter a street address.”,”noStreetNumber”:”We recommend entering the house/building number to assist with delivery.”,”tooFewLetters”:”Please enter your address with no less than 5 characters.”,”noLetters”:”We recommend entering the street name to assist with delivery.”,”tooManyLetters”:”The address is too long”},”cardEditSuccess”:”Your address has been updated!”,”pin”:{“labelName”:”Pin”,”validateText”:”Please enter a valid pin.”},”enterCommonProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Province / Region”,”validateText”:”Please enter a state/province/region.”,”placeholder”:”Enter”},”JMProvince”:{“labelName”:”Parish”,”validateText”:”Please enter a parish.”,”placeholder”:”Enter a parish”},”UKProvince”:{“labelName”:”County”,”validateText”:”Please select a county.”,”placeholder”:”Select a county”},”UKCountryRegion”:{“labelName”:”Town / City”,”validateText”:”Please enter a town/city.”},”UKAddressLine2″:{“labelName”:”Address line 2″,”placeholder”:”Address line 2(optional)”},”UKAddressLine1″:{“labelName”:”Address Line1(or Company Name)”,”validateText”:”Please enter Address Line1.”,”noStreetNumber”:”We recommend entering the house/building number to assist with delivery.”,”tooFewLetters”:”Please enter your address with no less than 5 characters.”,”noLetters”:”We recommend entering the street name to assist with delivery.”,”tooManyLetters”:”The address is too long”},”enterState”:{“labelName”:”State”,”validateText”:”Please enter a state.”,”placeholder”:”Enter a state”},”commonProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Province / Region”,”validateText”:”Please select a state / province / region.”,”placeholder”:”Select”},”phonePrivacy”:{“text1″:”Message and data rates may apply. 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