88 people 👁️ing this randomly In March-April, the Pakistan government set up distribution sites across the country to provide sasta aur muft aata (low-cost and free flour) to people to ease their burden amid spiraling prices and the ongoing economic crisis in the country. But instead of doing good, the initiative caused trouble in severalRead More
Tag: allabout Pakistan
40 people 👁️ing this randomly Lender says a week after approving a $3bn bailout package for Pakistan that ‘significant shocks’ have rocked its economy. Islamabad, Pakistan – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Pakistan’s economic challenges are “complex and multifaceted” and the risks are “exceptionally high”. In a report released on Tuesday, the global lenderRead More
50 people 👁️ing this randomly ISLAMABAD, April 4, 2023—Pakistan’s economy is expected to grow by only 0.4 percent in the current fiscal year ending June 2023. According to World Bank’s latest Pakistan Development Update: Recent Economic Developments, Outlook, and Risks, released today, the slower growth reflects subdued private sector activity amid deteriorating confidence, import controls,Read More
39 people 👁️ing this randomly Pakistan economy: Price spikes, political woes hit millions new Promise(resolve => window.dotcom.ads.resolves.enabled.push(resolve))}]]> Source
80 people 👁️ing this randomly Unlock the Editor’s Digest for free Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter. Pakistan’s traditional political power-brokers have unveiled a new coalition government, breaking a two-week impasse following elections, but the incoming administration will be quickly tested by the country’s dire economic circumstances.Read More
47 people 👁️ing this randomly ISLAMABAD, April 2, 2024—Pakistan’s economy is expected to grow by only 1.8 percent in the current fiscal year ending June 2024. According to World Bank’s latest Pakistan Development Update: Fiscal Impact of Federal State-Owned Enterprises released today, this subdued recovery reflects tight monetary and fiscal policy, continued import management measuresRead More
51 people 👁️ing this randomly ENHANCING DISASTER RESILIENCE Being one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change Pakistan is recurrently affected by catastrophes, including the unprecedented 2022 floods which affected an estimated 33 million people and resulted in US$14.9 billion in damages and US$15.2 billion in economic losses . Pakistan’s economy continues to suffer chronicRead More
68 people 👁️ing this randomly <![CDATA["use strict";!(function(){var e,r,t,n,o,u,i,c,a,s,l;function d(e){var r=document.createElement("a");return r.href=e,r.host}function f(e,r){if(r)for(var t in r)e[t]=r[t]}function m(e,r,t){return f(e,r),t&&f(e,t),e}function v(){var o=[];return{add:function(e){o.push(e)},emit:function(e){for(var r=o.slice(),t=0,n=r.length;t<n;t++)r[t](e)},clear:function(){o=[]}}}function p(e){Promise.resolve().then(e)}function h(n){return new Promise(function(t){p(function e(){var r=document.querySelector('link[rel="stylesheet"][href="'.concat(n,'"]'));r?t(r):setTimeout(e)})})}function y(e,r,t){var n=new Error(r);n.errorCode=e,n.payload=m({message:r},t),n.type=501,setTimeout(function(){throw n},0)}function g(e,r){if(r[e])return e;for(var t in r)if(-1<r[t].indexOf(e))return t}function E(e){return/^(d+(.|$)){4}/.test(e)}function T(){var e,r,t;return i||(e=(null==(e=window.__CDN_IMG__)?void 0:e.retryHostConfig)||c,n||o||(r=e,t={},Object.keys(r).forEach(function(e){t[e]=r[e].filter(function(e){return!E(e)})}),e=t),i=e)}function _(e,r,t){var n=d(e),n=r.indexOf(n),n=r[(n+1)%r.length];return n?(r=e,e=n,n=t,(t=document.createElement("a")).href=r,E(t.host=e)?(t.protocol="http",t.search?t.search+="&host="+encodeURIComponent(n):t.search="host="+encodeURIComponent(n)):t.protocol="https",t.href):""}function L(e){return r=d(e),e=T(),(t=g(r,e))?e[t].filter(function(e){return e!==r}):[];var r,t}function w(e){return e.complete?e.naturalHeight<=1&&e.naturalWidth<=1?"errored":"loaded":"loading"}function S(e,r){return crypto.subtle.digest((function(e){switch(e){case"sha256":return"SHA-256";case"sha384":return"SHA-384";case"sha512":return"SHA-512";default:return"SHA-384"}})(r),e)}function k(i,c,a){var t;c&&a&&"fetch"in window&&(t=a.split("-")[0],fetch(c).then(function(n){varRead More
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