Tag: allabout India


Germany GDP

23 people 👁️ing this randomly Register for Unlimited Access Macro data moves money. But the data is mostly flawed. And getting worse.World Economics helps navigate the dangers inherent in macro numbers. World Economics Benefits: GDP Data Quality Ratings China, India & USA: Special focus on the world’s biggest economies Major faults in market moving macroRead More


Egypt GDP

26 people 👁️ing this randomly Register for Unlimited Access Macro data moves money. But the data is mostly flawed. And getting worse.World Economics helps navigate the dangers inherent in macro numbers. World Economics Benefits: GDP Data Quality Ratings China, India & USA: Special focus on the world’s biggest economies Major faults in market moving macroRead More


Canada GDP

20 people 👁️ing this randomly Register for Unlimited Access Macro data moves money. But the data is mostly flawed. And getting worse.World Economics helps navigate the dangers inherent in macro numbers. World Economics Benefits: GDP Data Quality Ratings China, India & USA: Special focus on the world’s biggest economies Major faults in market moving macroRead More


Here’s why economists are so worried about soaring US debt levels

20 people 👁️ing this randomly The government’s soaring debt balance poses problems for the US economy. Those include higher inflation, greater market volatility, and a lower quality of life for Americans. Slowing the pace of borrowing is critical for the future, economists told Business Insider. Thanks for signing up! Access your favorite topics in aRead More


Deloitte Research Reveals Inaction On Climate Change Could Cost The World’s Economy US$178 Trillion By 2070

23 people 👁️ing this randomly Davos, Switzerland, 23 May 2022—A new report from the Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress (DCSP) released today during the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting indicates that if left unchecked climate change could cost the global economy US$178 trillion over the next 50 years, or a 7.6% cut to global gross domestic productRead More


Pakistan GDP 1960-2024

25 people 👁️ing this randomly We Need Your Support! Backlinks from other websites and blogs are the lifeblood of our site and are our primary source of new traffic. If you use our datasets on your site or blog, we ask that you provide attribution via a link back to this page. We have providedRead More


The net-zero transition: Its cost and benefits

30 people 👁️ing this randomly To decarbonize, lower-income countries and fossil fuel resource producers would spend more on physical assets as a share of their GDP than other countries—in the case of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, India and other Asian nations, about 1.5 times or more as much as advanced economies to support economic developmentRead More


News Article | World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)

25 people 👁️ing this randomly Global GDP impact predicted to exceed $11 trillion in 2024 Unprecedented job numbers expected in the sector  New York, U.S.: The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is projecting a record-breaking year for Travel & Tourism in 2024, with the sector’s global economic contribution set to reach an all-time highRead More


Travel and tourism: contribution to global GDP 2023

25 people 👁️ing this randomly Travel and tourism: contribution to global GDP 2023 | Statista { let result = null; if (window.location.search) { result = window.location.search; } return result; })(); url.platform = (() => { let result = null; const url = new URL(window.location); if (url.host.indexOf(‘.statista.com’)) { result = url.host.replace(‘.statista.com’, ”); } return result; })();Read More

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