Tag: allabout astronomy

allabout/from/on astronomy


138 people 👁️ing this randomlyGoogle Googlep&&q=b&&0>=d)return e;var f=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight;0>c+b?e=2:c>=f&&(e=4);if(0>a+d||a>=(window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth))e|=8;e||(e=1,c+b>f&&(e|=4));return e};var v=window.location,w=”aft afti afts frt hct prt pprt sct”.split(” “);function x(a){return(a=v.search.match(new RegExp(“[?&]”+a+”=(\d+)”)))?Number(a[1]):-1};var y=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight,z=0,A=0,B=0,C=0,D=0,E=0,F=0,G=0,H=0,I=!0,K=!0,L=-1;function M(a,c,b,d){var e=google.timers.load.t[a];e&&(b||d&&null!=c&&c<e)||google.tick("load",a,c)}function N(a,c,b,d){"1"===a.getAttribute("data-frt")&&(M("frt",d,!1,!0),++C,O());c&&(M("aft",d,!1,!0),M("afti",d,!1,!0),++E,b||++H,O());google.c.timl&&M("iml",d,!1,!0);++A;a.setAttribute("data-frt","0");(google.c.timl||c)&&P()} function P(){var a=google.c.timl?A===z:D===E;!K&&a&&google.c.u("il")} function O(){if(!I){var a=E===D,c=C===B,b=H===G;b=google.c.nli?b:a;if(a&&c){google.c.e("load","ima",String(D));google.c.e("load","imad",String(F));google.c.e("load","aftp",String(Math.round(L)));var d=google.timers.load;a=d.m;if(!a||!a.prs){var e=h()?0:x("qsubts");0<e&&(a=x("fbts"),0<a&&(d.t.start=Math.max(e,a)));var f=d.t,l=f.start;a={wsrt:d.wsrt};for(var m=0,k;k=w[m++];){var p=f[k];p&&l&&(a[k]=p-l)}0<e&&(a.gsasrt=d.t.start-e);e=d.e;d="/gen_204?s="+google.sn+"&t=aft&atyp=csi&ei="+google.kEI+"&rt=";f="";for(g in a)d+=""+f+g+"."+a[g],f=",";for(var q in e)d+="&"+q+"="+e[q];window._cshid&&(d+="&cshid="+window._cshid);2===h()&&(d+="&bb=1");1===h()&&(d+="&r=1");if("gsasrt"in a){var g=x("qsd");0<g&&(d+="&qsd="+g)}google.kBL&&(d+="&bl="+google.kBL);g=d;navigator.sendBeacon?navigator.sendBeacon(g,""):google.log("","",g)}}"hidden"===document.visibilityState&&google.c.e("load","hddn","1");if(null!==google.aftq&&(g=2===google.fevent||3===google.fevent?google.fevent:1,2===g&&c||1===g&&b||3===g&&(b||c))){google.tick("load","aftqf",Date.now());var J;for(c=0;b=null==(J=google.aftq)?void 0:J[c++];)try{b()}catch(R){google.ml(R,!1)}google.aftq=null}}}var Q="src bsrc url ll image img-url".split(" ");function S(a){for(var c=0,b;b=Q[c++];)if(a.getAttribute("data-"+b))return!0;return!1}function T(a,c){0===c||c&8||(a.setAttribute("data-frt","1"),++B)}google.c.b("il");google.c.setup=function(a,c,b){var d=a.getAttribute("data-atf");if(d)returnRead More

193 people 👁️ing this randomly 8)) { trkInfo = cookies[i].substring(8); } } if (window.location.protocol == “http:”) { // If “sl” cookie is set, redirect to https. for (var i = 0; i 3)) { window.location.href = “https:” + window.location.href.substring(window.location.protocol.length); return; } } } // Get the new domain. For international domains such as // fr.linkedin.com,Read More

157 people 👁️ing this randomly            RADIO ASTRONOMY AND MOONBOUNCE COMMUNICATIONS                                                        AT K5SO                                           More Story on Source: *here*


129 people 👁️ing this randomlyLS2 PAC The credentials entered are incorrect. Log in with either your Library Card Number or EZ Login Library Card Number or EZ Username PIN or EZ Password Remember Me More Story on Source: *here* LS2 PAC

Britannica School

297 people 👁️ing this randomlyBritannica School Welcome to Britannica School, a safe, up-to-date, and age-appropriate information resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School. Discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research and reinforce curriculum standards. More Story on Source: *here* Britannica School

NOMIS fellowships at IST Austria in Kloserneuburg, for Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

135 people 👁️ing this randomlyNOMIS fellowships at IST Austria in Kloserneuburg, for Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) Details Posted: 24-Mar-22 Location: Kloserneuburg, Austria Required Education: Doctorate Salary: min. 60,500 EUR annually Categories: Biological Sciences Chemistry Physics: Theoretical Sector: Academic Work Function: Research Additional Information: 2 openings available. Call for proposals The NOMIS FoundationRead More

Homepage of Dorottya Szécsi

128 people 👁️ing this randomlyHomepage of Dorottya Szécsi Title of the project: Simulating new populations of massive stars: Updating the BoOST stellar modelsThe purpose of this PhD project is to compute and maintain stellar evolutionary models of massive and very massive stars with various initial compositions and rotational rates. The student will create synthetic populations.Read More

316 people 👁️ing this randomly %PDF-1.7 % 8 0 obj > endobj xref 8 45 0000000016 00000 n 0000001455 00000 n 0000001578 00000 n 0000002632 00000 n 0000002699 00000 n 0000002833 00000 n 0000002968 00000 n 0000003104 00000 n 0000003238 00000 n 0000003370 00000 n 0000003506 00000 n 0000003643 00000 n 0000004137 00000 n 0000004680Read More


214 people 👁️ing this randomlyBRAIN LESSONS: THE PERSUASIVE POWER OF “UP” Everyone nowadays seems to think they are a photographer and I’m no different.  I own too much gear.  I have a website.  I watch innumerable YouTube videos about Photoshop.  The great Dorthea Lange once said, “The camera is an instrument that teaches people howRead More

Temple University Department of Physics

361 people 👁️ing this randomlyTemple University Department of Physics Welcome to theTemple UniversityDepartment of Physics Located in the new Science Education and Research Center (SERC), Temple University Department of Physics offers exciting research opportunities in the fields of theoretical and experimental elementary particle physics, condensed matter physics, atomic, molecular and optical physics, and statistical mechanics.Read More

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