Tag: allabout Ai


What Is GPT-4?

69 people 👁️ing this randomly GPT-4 is the newest large language modelcreated by artificial intelligence company OpenAI. It is capable of generating content with more accuracy, nuance and proficiency than its predecessor, GPT-3.5, which powers OpenAI’s ChatGPT. What Is GPT-4? GPT-4 is OpenAI’s large language model that generates content with more accuracy, nuance and proficiencyRead More


What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  |  Google Cloud

92 people 👁️ing this randomly A common type of training model in AI is an artificial neural network, a model loosely based on the human brain.  A neural network is a system of artificial neurons—sometimes called perceptrons—that are computational nodes used to classify and analyze data. The data is fed into the first layer ofRead More


Microsoft Edge help & learning

66 people 👁️ing this randomly Experience AI-powered browsing with the new Bing built-in Get comprehensive answers, summarized information, and find inspiration side-by-side in Microsoft Edge. Click “Try now” below to get started with your AI-powered copilot for the web. Try now Source


Microsoft Copilot: Your everyday AI companion

60 people 👁️ing this randomly Microsoft Copilot: Your everyday AI companion<![CDATA[//2)for(s=f.slice(2,f.length),e=0;e<s.length;e++)c.push(u(s[e]));return l.apply(this,c),i[n]=o,o}}var t={},i={},f=!1;n.define=e;n.require=r})(amd||(amd={}));define=amd.define;require=amd.require;var _w=window,_d=document,sb_ie=window.ActiveXObject!==undefined,sb_i6=sb_ie&&!_w.XMLHttpRequest,_ge=function(n){return _d.getElementById(n)},_qs=function(n,t){return t=typeof t=="undefined"?_d:t,t.querySelector?t.querySelector(n):null},sb_st=function(n,t){return setTimeout(n,t)},sb_rst=sb_st,sb_ct=function(n){clearTimeout(n)},sb_gt=function(){return(new Date).getTime()},sj_gx=function(){return sb_i6?new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"):new XMLHttpRequest};_w.sj_ce=function(n,t,i){var r=_d.createElement(n);return t&&(r.id=t),i&&(r.className=i),r};_w.sj_cook=_w.sj_cook||{get:function(n,t){var i=_d.cookie.match(new RegExp("\b"+n+"=[^;]+")),r;return t&&i?(r=i[0].match(new RegExp("\b"+t+"=([^&]*)")),r?r[1]:null):i?i[0]:null}};_w.sk_merge||(_w.sk_merge=function(n){_d.cookie=n});define("shared",["require","exports"],function(n,t){function s(n,t){for(var r=n.length,i=0;i<r;i++)t(n[i])}function r(n){for(var i=[],t=1;t=100?"":"alpha(opacity="+t+")",n.style.opacity=t/100)}t.__esModule=!0;t.getTime=t.getOffset=t.stopPropagation=t.preventDefault=t.wrap=t.forEach=void 0;var i=sb_ie;t.forEach=s;t.wrap=r;t.preventDefault=u;t.stopPropagation=f;t.getOffset=e;t.getTime=o;window.sj_b=document.body;window.sb_de=document.documentElement;window.sj_wf=r;window.sj_pd=u;window.sj_sp=f;window.sj_go=e;window.sj_ev=h;window.sj_et=c;window.sj_mi=l;window.sj_mo=a;window.sj_we=v;window.sb_gt=o;window.sj_so=p;window.sj_lc=y});define("env",["require","exports","shared"],function(n,t,i){function v(n,t){return t.length&&typeof n=="function"?function(){return n.apply(null,t)}:n}function y(n,t){var e=[].slice.apply(arguments).slice(2),i=v(n,e),u;return typeof i=="function"&&(u=window.setImmediate&&!window.setImmediate.Override&&(!t||t<=16)?"i"+setImmediate(i):o(i,t),f[r]=u,r=(r+1)%a),u}function p(n,t){var r=[].slice.apply(arguments).slice(2),i=l(v(n,r),t);return e[u]=i,u=(u+1)%a,i}function w(){h.forEach(f,s);h.forEach(e,window.clearInterval);r=u=e.length=f.length=0}function s(n){n!=null&&(typeof n=="string"&&n.indexOf("i")===0?window.clearImmediate(parseInt(n.substr(1),10)):c(n))}var h=i,f=[],e=[],o,c,l,a=1024,r=0,u=0;o=window.setTimeout;t.setTimeout=y;l=window.setInterval;t.setInterval=p;t.clear=w;c=window.clearTimeout;t.clearTimeout=s;window.sb_rst=o;window.setTimeout=window.sb_st=y;window.setInterval=window.sb_si=p;window.clearTimeout=window.sb_ct=s});define("event.custom",["require","exports","shared","env"],function(n,t,i,r){function f(n){return u[n]||(u[n]=[])}function e(n,t){n.d?l.setTimeout(c.wrap(n,t),n.d):n(t)}function v(n,t,i){var r,f;for(r inRead More


What does AI mean for me?

45 people 👁️ing this randomly We’ve become accustomed to using artificial intelligence (AI) for home, work, and play – from digital voice assistants, algorithms that personalize our news and entertainment, smart home appliances, wearable health devices, learning platforms, and productivity tools. With new advancements in AI happening faster than before, you might be wondering what all this meansRead More


What is responsible AI? – Microsoft Support

57 people 👁️ing this randomly As Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a larger role in our daily lives, it’s more important than ever that AI systems are built to provide a helpful, safe, and trustworthy experience for everyone.  This is why Microsoft develops and deploys technology using Responsible AI practices. Responsible AI intends to keep peopleRead More


Unleash your productivity with AI and Microsoft Copilot

65 people 👁️ing this randomly Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming part of our lives and transforming the ways we live and work.  Today you’re seeing it take center stage in Microsoft 365 thanks to Copilot, which works alongside you to unleash creativity and transform work. Defined simply, AI is the simulation of human intelligenceRead More


Microsoft AI help & learning

66 people 👁️ing this randomly What does AI mean for me? AI is already part of our lives. Read about how you can use AI in your worklife today and how you’ll soon use Copilot without leaving your Microsoft 365 apps. See what you can do already AI, ChatGPT, Copilot: what’s the difference? ChatGPT andRead More


GPT-4 Technical Report

76 people 👁️ing this randomly Please cite this work as “OpenAI (2023)”. Pretraining Core contributors Christopher Berner Supercomputing lead Greg Brockman Infrastructure lead Trevor Cai Throughput lead David Farhi Manager of optimization team Chris Hesse Infrastructure usability co-lead Shantanu Jain Infrastructure usability co-lead Kyle Kosic Uptime and stability lead Jakub Pachocki Overall lead, optimization lead Alex Paino Architecture & data vice lead Mikhail Pavlov SoftwareRead More


GPT-4 Technical Report

49 people 👁️ing this randomly [Submitted on 15 Mar 2023 (v1), last revised 19 Dec 2023 (this version, v4)] Authors:OpenAI: Josh Achiam, Steven Adler, Sandhini Agarwal, Lama Ahmad, Ilge Akkaya, Florencia Leoni Aleman, Diogo Almeida, Janko Altenschmidt, Sam Altman, Shyamal Anadkat, Red Avila, Igor Babuschkin, Suchir Balaji, Valerie Balcom, Paul Baltescu, Haiming Bao, Mo Bavarian,Read More

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