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Astronomer job profile |

580 people 👁️ing this randomlyAstronomer job profile | As an astronomer, you’ll conduct research that explains the fundamental processes that govern the universe Astronomers are scientists who study the universe, its objects and how it works. They aim to push the boundaries of human knowledge about how the universe works by observation and theoreticalRead More


যমুনা গ্রুপের চেয়ারম্যান মুক্তিযোদ্ধা নুরুল ইসলাম বাবুল আর নেই –

1,497 people 👁️ing this randomlyযমুনা গ্রুপের চেয়ারম্যান মুক্তিযোদ্ধা নুরুল ইসলাম বাবুল আর নেই – দেশের অন্যতম বৃহৎ শিল্পগ্রুপ যমুনা গ্রুপের চেয়ারম্যান ও মুক্তিযোদ্ধা নুরুল ইসলাম বাবুল মারা গেছেন (ইন্নালিল্লাহি ওয়াইন্না ইলাইহি রাজিউন)। সোমবার (১৩ জুলাই) বিকেল পৌনে ৪টার দিকে রাজধানীর এভার কেয়ার হাসপাতালে (সাবেক অ্যাপোলো) তিনি শেষ নিঃশ্বাস ত্যাগ করেন। তার বয়স হয়েছিল ৭৪ বছর। তিনি স্ত্রী,Read More


শিল্পী _ এন্ড্রু কিশোর এর

593 people 👁️ing this randomlyশিল্পী _ এন্ড্রু কিশোর এর 1)ytcfg.d()[a[0]]=a[1];else for(var k in a[0])ytcfg.d()[k]=a[0][k]}}; window.ytcfg.set(‘EMERGENCY_BASE_URL’, ‘/error_204?tx3djserrorx26levelx3dERRORx26client.namex3d1x26client.versionx3d2.20210322.08.00’);]]>=5)return;window.unhandledErrorCount+=1;window.unhandledErrorMessages[message]=true;var img=new Image;window.emergencyTimeoutImg=img;img.onload=img.onerror=function(){delete window.emergencyTimeoutImg}; var combinedLineAndColumn=err.lineNumber;if(!isNaN(err[“columnNumber”]))combinedLineAndColumn+=”:”+err[“columnNumber”];var stack=err.stack||””;var values={“msg”:message,”type”,”client.params”:”unhandled window error”,”file”:err.fileName,”line”:combinedLineAndColumn,”stack”:stack.substr(0,500)};var thirdPartyScript=!err.fileName||err.fileName===””;var replaced=stack.replace(/,””);if(replaced.match(/https?://[^/]+//))thirdPartyScript=true;else if(stack.indexOf(“trapProp”)>= 0&&stack.indexOf(“trapChain”)>=0)thirdPartyScript=true;else if(message.indexOf(“redefine non-configurable”)>=0&&message.indexOf(“userAgent”)>=0)thirdPartyScript=true;var baseUrl=window[“ytcfg”].get(“EMERGENCY_BASE_URL”,””);var unsupported=message.indexOf(“window.customElements is undefined”)>=0;if(thirdPartyScript||unsupported)baseUrl=baseUrl.replace(“level=ERROR”,”level=WARNING”);var parts=[baseUrl];for(var key in values){var value=values[key]; if(value)parts.push(key+”=”+encodeURIComponent(value))}img.src=parts.join(“&”)}; (function(){function _getExtendedNativePrototype(tag){var p=this._nativePrototypes[tag];if(!p){p=Object.create(this.getNativePrototype(tag));var p$=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window[“Polymer”].Base);for(var i=0,n=undefined;i <![CDATA[var ytcsi={gt:function(n){n=(n||"")+"data_";return ytcsi[n]||(ytcsi[n]={tick:{},info:{}})},now:window.performance&&window.performance.timing&&{return}:function(){return(new Date).getTime()},tick:function(l,t,n){var;var v=t||;if(ticks[l]){ticks["_"+l]=ticks["_"+l]||[ticks[l]];ticks["_"+l].push(v)}ticks[l]=v},info:function(k, v,n){[k]=v},setStart:function(s,t,n){"yt_sts",s,n);ytcsi.tick("_start",t,n)}}; (function(w,d){ytcsi.setStart("dhs",w.performance?w.performance.timing.responseStart:null);varRead More


Astrology vs. Astronomy: The History and Differences

531 people 👁️ing this randomlyAstrology vs. Astronomy: The History and Differences Read Time: 4 minutes In ancient times, the studies of astrology and astronomy intertwined.  Astrology meant “the practical application of the (medieval) art or science of astronomy,” according to the Oxford Dictionary. Astronomy referred to the act of classifying the stars. Before the 16thRead More


Congressman Johnson objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona

748 people 👁️ing this randomlyCongressman Johnson objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona Text TRUMP to 88022 More Story on Source: *Donald J Trump* Congressman Johnson objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona


Senator Cruz objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona

1,004 people 👁️ing this randomlySenator Cruz objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona Text TRUMP to 88022 More Story on Source: *Donald J Trump* Senator Cruz objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona


Congresswoman Boebert objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona

670 people 👁️ing this randomlyCongresswoman Boebert objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona Text TRUMP to 88022 More Story on Source: *Donald J Trump* Congresswoman Boebert objects to the electoral college submission of Arizona


Best Online Astronomy Courses for Beginners

514 people 👁️ing this randomlyBest Online Astronomy Courses for Beginners Whenever you learn about the stars, planets, or space, you are engaging in the branch of science known as astronomy. Astronomy is the study of the universe, and that includes all objects in space as well as all the phenomena happening in space. You canRead More



577 people 👁️ing this randomlyNews Your online destination for news articles on planets, cosmology, NASA, space missions, and more. You’ll also find information on how to observe upcoming visible sky events such as meteor showers, solar and lunar eclipses, key planetary appearances, comets, and asteroids. More Story on Source: *here* News


President Trump inherited a dangerously lawless border from Obama and Biden

591 people 👁️ing this randomlyPresident Trump inherited a dangerously lawless border from Obama and Biden President Trump inherited a dangerously lawless border from Obama and Biden More Story on Source: *Donald J Trump* President Trump inherited a dangerously lawless border from Obama and Biden

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